Friday, May 25, 2012

Release the Kracken!

I'm still working on Barrettes. But now I'm making another kind to suit the discriminating tastes of long hair everywhere.
I made my last batch of barrettes using a base that looked like this:
But many would-be customers complained that they wouldn't stay in their hair and asked if I had any of the other types of barrettes. So off I went to the hair supply store to buy differant barrettes. And this is what I found:

I was hoping that they would have differant names, so I could distinguish them, but the word "barrette" didn't even appear on either package. One simply said "Effortless Beauty" and the other was labeled, "No - Slip Grip".
So my "No - Slip Grip" Barrettes are pictured below and my "Effortless Beauty" Barrettes may be seen on the prior blog post.

I call this an octopus, but my son said it looked like the Kracken from "Last of the Titans".

This is one of my favorite colors of green and I wish I had long hair so I could keep it.  I'm working on a blue barrette now. Hoping to have it ready for Saturday Market tomorrow.


  1. All the barrettes are just beautiful. The octopus is fabulous, how unusual is that!


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