Many of you may know that for years I have been a horticulturist, designing large scale gardens for resorts and wedding venues. But after a skirmish with breast cancer, my sails seemed to shift of their own accord and I started losing interest in the garden - something I thought I would NEVER do. I was very passionate about plants. I still love looking at them, I just don't have the energy to grow them anymore.
So I've been moving on to other things such as:
Beadwork - I love beading. It was my thereapy while I was going through chemo. I started my "Beading for Buddies" program believing that it would take my mind off my cancer, give me something to do while I was sitting for hours hooked up to a poison drip, and give me something to give to all the friends, neighbors and strangers who reached out to help me and my family while I was feeling so rotten. I ended up giving away over 125 beaded brooches and finding a new passion. I bead every day now and sell some of my wares and still give a good many away.
Photography -I love taking pictures and remember my first crappy little instamatic camera I had as a child. It took fuzzy pictures (probaly because I was a figgity child and never stood still). it also cost a fortune (comparitively to a child's allowance) to get the pictures developed.
Now I have a fab Canon DSLR that Sweety bought me.
I recently took pictures of Shalyhn, a belly dancer extraordinaire and then played with the pictures on Photo Shop. Here's what I ended up with. Fun.
Shalyhn is my son's girlfriend and I love taking pictures of her in her costumes.
Another new interest is
Website Designing. I don't know a lot about this just yet, but I'm taking lessons and I hope this will be my new "Day Job" when I go back out into the work force. Until then, I'll continue to play with my beads and take pictures and putter on the computer.
What are YOU interested in?